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Internship Opportunities

IPCB will provide internship opportunities for qualified undergraduate and graduate students. The internships are non-paid positions and available year-round. Interns will have the opportunity to strengthen their academic skills while expanding their knowledge of international issues impacting indigenous cultures.

Interns will be responsible for research, writing, and administrative duties. Internships will be tailored to each intern’s specific interest within the goals and mission of IPCB. Interns will be expected to have a research topic in mind to further explore once their program begins. Through their training and experience, interns will have the opportunity to add new perspectives to the organization and the existing body of knowledge.

Successful applicants are expected to possess excellent written and oral communication skills. Applicants should have good working knowledge about current issues and biotechnology as it impacts indigenous communities. Applicants chosen will be those who possess a willingness to take initiative and direction.

Please fill out the following internship application form and send to:

Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism

PO Box 72

Nixon, NV 89424

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